Two Year Olds

The perfect home from home for your two-year old.

Approx 18 Months – 2.5 Years

Our toddler rooms provide a nurturing environment, which continues to support positive attachments; strengthening your child’s self-esteem and helping your little one become a confident learner. 

The rooms are set up to promote your child’s development through ‘playing and exploring’, providing lots of opportunities for exploration; through open ended and stimulating resources. 

Children are encouraged to express and follow their own interests independently as well as exploring engaging invitations to play, carefully selected by your child’s key person, supporting their individual needs/ development and next steps.

Children begin to express own likes and dislikes at this stage, which we know can be a challenge, especially when it comes to meal times. 

We have worked hard to provide a well balanced healthy meal plan each day consisting of cereal, fresh fruit, a healthy cooked lunch and a high tea, encouraging children to ‘try’ new things. 

We cater for all food requirements and are happy to discuss this further, should you require.

Toilet training is another milestone at this stage and the team are on hand to support you with this.

Rocky Creek Children Eating in The Rocking Horse Nursery

Celestial Gold & Rocky Creek​​

They have a good knowledge of child development and use this to plan relevant experiences for each individual child.

Ofsted Report

Approx 6 Weeks - 20 Months​

We welcome babies from birth and have three baby rooms, designed and equipped to meet your baby’s needs as they grow and develop with us.

Approx 18 Months - 2.5 Years​

Our Rocky Creek room is home to children aged from two to three years. Children at this age are developing fast with ever-changing routines. 

2.5 Years To 3 Years​

Frankel is our room for three year olds. Learning through play is the focus in this space as your child continues to develop quickly.

4 Years - pre-School

With your child entering the final phase of their time at nursery before they head off to school we focus on ensuring your child is ready to make the transition.

Contact Us

We’d love to hear from you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us via the details listed here or our contact form.

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