Four Year Olds

With school awaiting we're here to ease the transition.

3.5 Years – School

Preschool is an exciting time of your Childs development, where they are becoming more independent, enthusiastic learners, and building important relationships within their peer group.

Our preschool rooms provide a wonderful balance of thought-provoking provocations, free flow and adult led play opportunities from our highly skilled team. This helps develop your Childs ‘critical thinking’ and enables them to risk assess in a safe manner, preparing them for future transitions such as school.

Independence is an important aspect of your Childs development, and we support this through self-care; toileting and washing hands, self-service during meal times and co-operative play. Children understand more about the world we live in as they learn about sun safety, show care towards living things and learn where food comes from. Our preschool children often get to experience trips out to our local care home, café, shops and library, promoting cultural capital.

Circle times provides a wonderful opportunity to share stories, express ourselves with songs or movement, stretch off with some yoga or share experiences. This equips your child with key listening and attention skills, whilst building relationships and learning to take turns.

Paisley Park & Tidal Bay

The Rocking Horse Nursery creates environments that spark awe and wonder for children and ignite their imagination.

Ofsted Report

Approx 6 Weeks - 20 Months​

We welcome babies from six weeks and have two baby rooms, designed and equipped to meet your baby’s needs as they grow and develop with us.

Approx 18 Months - 2.5 Years​

Our Rocky Creek room is home to children aged from two to three years. Children at this age are developing fast with ever-changing routines. 

2.5 Years To 3.5 Years​

Frankel is our room for three year olds. Learning through play is the focus in this space as your child continues to develop quickly.

3.5 Years - School

With your child entering the final phase of their time at nursery before they head off to school we focus on ensuring your child is ready to make the transition.

Contact Us

We’d love to hear from you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us via the details listed here or our contact form.

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