Horse Welfare
Home Horse Welfare
Purpose. Welfare. Responsibility. That’s HorsePWR.
HorsePWR is British racing’s hub dedicated to the Thoroughbred racehorse, the ultimate equine athlete.
Understand the Thoroughbred – their purpose, the lives they lead, and the high welfare and safety standards that underpin British racing.
Read on to find out more about safety and welfare in horseracing.
Pre & Post Race Checks By Vets
All racing takes place under the careful supervision of a team of vets to ensure each horses’ welfare and wellbeing and it’s suitable to race.
Vets Always 60 Seconds Away
Vets follow races as they happen and must be able to attend to any horse within 60 seconds.
Regular Inspections
Stables and tracks must adhere to high standards, with regular inspections to ensure compliance.
Misting Fans
Newbury Racecourse
Veterany Unit On-Site
On the 3rd Floor outside the Lounge