Ages & Rooms

Fantastic spaces, for every age.

The purpose-built, thoughtfully-designed Rocking Horse Nursery is spacious, inside and out. 

The children in our care are grouped by age across our six rooms – each dedicated to a child’s specific needs at that stage of their life.

Our Nursery is located at the heart of Newbury Racecourse – a unique and picturesque setting – and to reflect this all of our rooms are named after famous racehorses.

Approx 6 weeks - 20 months

We welcome babies from six weeks old and have two baby rooms, designed and equipped to meet your baby’s needs as they grow and develop with us.

Approx 18 Months - 2.5 Years

Our Rocky Creek room is home to children aged from two to three years. Children at this age are developing fast with ever-changing routines.

2.5 Years to 3.5 years

Frankel is our room for three year olds. Learning through play is the focus in this space as your child continues to develop quickly.

3.5 Years - School

With your child entering the final phase of their time at nursery before they head off to school we focus on ensuring your child is ready to make the transition.

Our Rooms

Contact Us

We’d love to hear from you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us via the details listed here or our contact form.

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