Members Of Newbury Racecourse Enjoyed A Morning at Alan King Racing

Newbury Racecourse’s Member’s Enjoyed A Morning At Alan King Racing As The Jump Season Closes And The Flat Season Kicks Off


Over 40 of our members attended Alan King’s yard, where they were met with teas, coffees and hot chocolates to warm up on a blustery but otherwise dry morning.


Members were then treated to a six-horse parade as Robin, Alan’s Assistant Trainer, explained who each horse was, what they were like and how they have performed so far. The horses who took part in the parade were (in order) –



Charismas Cat

Irish Chorus

HMS President




Following the parade, three of the horses made their way down to the round sand gallops, where they completed four circuits before returning to the stable.


It was then time for a tour of the yard, where members were able to get up close to the horses and give them some scratches and pats. They were able to talk to the stable staff, farrier and Assistant Trainer. One horse was even enjoying some much needed rest and relaxation in the equine spa! 


Membership Secretary, Caroline Slevin, said “It was a lovely trip out to Alan King’s yard on Thursday. The weather held out and members really enjoyed the informative visit where they were able to see stable stars including Trueshan and Edwardstone. We are looking forward to organising more events like this one in the future”.


To watch a recap of the event, please click on the image below.






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