What does each way mean in horse racing?

When you go to the races, it’s natural that you may want to make a bet on some of the horses. After all, you’re going to be spending the day in good company, eating, drinking, and enjoying the atmosphere.


So, if you are thinking about making a bet on a horse race, it’s important that you understand the terminology of the event. This includes terms like “each way”. The main question is, why do you need to know this term? That’s what we are going to find out below.


The term “each way”: what do you need to know?


If you are thinking about attending the best British horse racing fixtures 2022 has to offer, we would highly recommend that you visit Newbury Racecourse. There are some fantastic races on this year and you should not miss them.


As for the term “each way”, which is used to describe a bet that can be split into a win and a placed bet. Essentially, if you intend to do this, then your financial input will be split equally. So, if you offered £10, £5 would be bet on the horse to win its race, whilst the other £5 would be used to bet on the horse to actually place.


Usually, if you win the bet on the horse race, you will receive the full amount of your bet. However, if you win the placing, you may find that you receive less. This is because it is calculated at a fraction of the odds. Therefore, it will likely be calculated at around 1/4 or 1/5.


How do I make an “each way” bet?


When you place an “each way” bet, you will find that it’s practically the same thing as placing a normal bet. You can go online to make your bet or you can make your bet in the facility. Just keep in mind that you will need to consider three things before the bet is placed. These are:


  • The odds of winning your bet
  • Each-way places (i.e., where exactly does your horse need to place in order for you to win the bet)
  • Each-way factions (i.e., whether or not your selection has a better chance of placing than winning the race)


Don’t forget that if you do end up winning your bet, then you will find that your earnings will be doubled. So, it could be worth trying out this type of bet if you want to see if you can earn a little more than you may have won previously. You just need to make sure that the bet you place is worth the risk.


Have you visited Newbury Racecourse?


If you are thinking about gambling on a horse race, one of the best places to do it is undoubtedly Newbury Racecourse! Even if you aren’t greatly familiar with horse racing or the associated betting markets, you are sure to love the atmosphere at our historic racecourse. Everyone will welcome you and help make your day a worthwhile visit that you will nev