Racing Together Community Day – Newbury Racecourse Volunteer at Greatwood Charity

Today is Racing Together Community Day!

It’s always fantastic to give back to the community, so last Friday Newbury Racecourse sent a minibus of staff over to Greatwood Charity to volunteer for the afternoon 💪

Greatwood are a fantastic charity who take in retired racehorses. Some are retrained and sent to new homes and some have a permanent home at the charity where they teach children and adults through Animal Assisted Intervention educational programmes.

Our staff were put to work! The Grounds Team spent their time rebuilding the fence in the Shetland’s paddock. Some members of staff gave the Shetland stables and outside classroom a fresh lick of paint, whilst others had the job of jet washing and sweeping out a block of stables.

Thank you so much to Greatwood for welcoming us to the yard. They do a brilliant job at making sure to champion racehorses after their racing career, giving them a new career in teaching children and young adults with Special Educational Needs.

Take a look below at what our staff got up to 🎨💦🧹🔨