How Many Horse Races Are There In a Year?

Horse racing is a popular sport, enjoyed all year round. For those not in the know, understanding the number of races per year, and the organisation of the racing calendar, can be a little tricky – and this is where we can help.


In this article, we will look at how many horse races there are in a year, and what they are called. We will also explain how to find out which race you want to bet on, and how to place your bets.


Types of Races


There are three main types of races in the UK, and these include:


  • Group 1

Group 1 races are the real highlight of any racing calendar, and are a true test of class. Horses run off level weights, but this category does make allowances for fillies and mares against colts and geldings, and for three-year-old horses running against older horses.


  • Groups 2 and 3

Races in these categories are still important but lack some of the prestige of Group 1 races. Here, weights are calculated in the same way as group 1, but penalties are awarded for extra weight, or for horses who have achieved certain milestones.


  • Listed Races

Just below group 3 races sits listed races, and these come with the same penalties as group 2 and 3 races.


How Often Do Racehorses Race?


You may be wondering how frequently race horses race, and the answer to this question depends on their fitness level, or their condition – this is their ability to run and will be determined by timing them as they complete their morning workout, and assessing recovery time and efficiency.


As a rule, most racehorses can run 18 races each year – this ensures that they have time to recover and that they are not being overworked.


To improve and maintain the fitness of racehorses, trainers will use a number of techniques, and these include:


  • Warm Up Exercises

Warm-up exercises are an important element of fitness for horses, and they should be performed before every race. These exercises are designed to get the muscles working and ensure the horse has a good muscle tone. Warm-ups are usually performed over a short period of time, and involve walking around the track, trotting, galloping, jumping, and even swimming.


  • Preparation Workouts

A preparation workout is a session that takes place before a race, and it is used to assess the horse’s fitness levels, and determine if he needs to work harder during his warm-up exercise. This type of workout involves a shorter distance than normal and is often done at a slower pace. It is also useful to see if the horse is able to sustain speed over longer distances.


  • Race Day Preparations

A race day preparation is a session that occurs just prior to the start of the race. The aim of this workout is to prepare the horse for the race, and it is often conducted at a faster pace than usual.


The Importance Of Racing Fitness


It is very important that racehorses are fit enough to perform well in a race, and this means that they need to be prepared properly. If a horse is unfit, then he will not be able to cope with the demands of a race, and he will struggle to keep up with the other horses. A horse can become unfit due to injury, illness, or simply because he is not being trained correctly.


If a horse is injured, then he may not be able to compete, and if he is ill, then he may not recover quickly enough to race. If a trainer knows that his horse is not fit, then he must take steps to rectify this situation. He can do this by ensuring that his horse receives regular training sessions and that he is given adequate rest between workouts.


What Is The Difference Between Training And Conditioning?


Training is the process of preparing your horse for racing, and conditioning is the process of getting him ready for a race. Both processes require hard work, and both are essential to the success of a horse in a race. However, there are differences between the two.


Training is more general and includes all aspects of a horse’s life. For example, it covers everything from grooming to feeding, and it is carried out by a trainer who works closely with the owner.


Conditioning, meanwhile, is specific, and focuses on one aspect of a horse’s fitness. For example, it might cover only the running part of a horse’s workout, or it could focus on the mental side of things, such as handling.


Final Thoughts


Now that you have a better understanding of how many horse races there are in a year, it is time to see these amazing animals in action – check out the British horse racing features for 2022 that we are presently advertising here at Newbury Racecourse, and watch these incredible creatures fly.